
Awakened Zen Master


Respectfully known as the Awakened One

Fully Awakened, completely liberating the source of attachment in 2001, and lives in the Awake Source with the Great Vow to Wake Up the Awake potential in all sentient beings to liberate suffering from the original attachment.


of Awakened Zen Master Thich Dieu Thien

In the moment of Awakening in 2001, from the Awake Source, the Five Awake Natures instantly appeared in
Awakened Zen Master Thich Dieu Thien. The original Awake Source that Awakened One Thich Dieu Thien lives in 24/7 emanates the pure Awake Essence which embodies infinite Wisdom, boundless Compassion, endless Awake Tools, and the Great Vow to Wake Up all sentient beings, regardless of background, gender, skin color, age, culture, or religion.

Seeing that every being has the capacity to Wake Up, but because ignorance, greed, and hatred cover their Awake potential. Awakened One Thich Dieu Thien stepped into the world with the Five Natures to Wake Up all sentient beings.

Awake Essence

Awake Essence is the pure, bright, vast, complete, boundless energy source; it is formless, unlimited, light, fresh, and free. Read More >

The Great Vow

At the moment of Awakening, the Awakened Zen Master saw that all sentient beings have the capacity to Wake Up, but do not know, and forever and ever, drift in the cycle of birth and death. Read More >


The infinite Wisdom of the Awakened One is capable of thoroughly seeing each person for who they are, illuminating and unlocking their human mind to Wake Up and fully liberate the attachment to the human system. Read More >


Seeing all beings immersed in illusion, drifting in the suffering of birth and death, naturally arises the boundless Compassion in the Awakened One to help all beings. Read More >


Any of the words or actions of the Awakened One, the Awake Tools are spontaneous, dynamic, accurate, exact, flexible, fluid, fresh. Read More >

“Guiding people completely to the Awake Shore,
      Tranquil and carefree amidst the ocean of life.”


Universal Door Meditation Center, also known as the Wake Up Center,
was founded by Awakened One Thich Dieu Thien in 2003.

Every week, the Wake Up Center offers retreats and Wake Up sessions that are attended by people from all over the world. Under the guidance of Awakened One Thich Dieu Thien, Awake students realize what is truly I and not I, directly experiencing Wake Up moments, merging with the Awake Source, liberating the original attachment that causes suffering.


Awakened One Thich Dieu Thien opens wisdom mind through a Dharma talk, followed by lunch, Awakened Sangha sharing, and various Awakened Meditation applications.

Click here to register for Sunday Awakened sessions.

Complimentary Awakened Session:  Who is Awakened Zen Master Thich Dieu Thien?  What is Awakened Stillness? What is the Awake Mind? Why do we need to become Awakened in this lifetime, plus guided Awakened Meditation and Q&A.

Click here to RSVP.

From the guidance of Awakened Zen Master Thich Dieu Thien, this session supports the Awakened Sangha to experience the Awakened stillness to live with Awake Mind throughout everyday living until merge with Awakened Source and liberate the source of suffering.

Click here to register for Walking the Awakened Path on Thursdays.

From 9am to 5pm, once a month, on a Saturday. Our Awakened Meditation Retreats lay the foundation to experience the Awakened stillness and know the Awake Mind, and to carry it into everyday living. The retreat includes many Awakened activities and Awakened Meditations like sitting, walking, eating, etc.

Our next 1-Day Awakened retreat is on February 15, 2024. Please click on the image below to register.

Youth and Teens realize the Awake Mind, knowing who they truly are and are not, step-by-step carrying the purpose to become Awakened to live truly happy, clear, focused and stable in all situations, free from anger, stress, fear, etc. Through application of various Awakened Meditations like sitting, walking, eating, etc.

Click here to register for Youth & Teens Awakened sessions on Sundays.

Come and experience the deep immersion Awakened meditation retreat by living in the tranquil environment of our Center filled with the Five Awakened Natures of  Awakened One Thich Dieu Thien.

Click on the flyer to register for the 5-Day Awakened Retreat for adults.

Youth & Teens experience Awakened Stillness to discover the True Mind by living in the tranquil environment of our Center filled with the Five Awakened Natures of  Awakened One Thich Dieu Thien.

Click on the flyer to register for the 5-Day Awakened Retreat for Youth & Teens.

From 3 pm-9 pm, we welcome you to join us with family & friends to experience the “Forever Spring” themed Awakened Lunar New Year with many Awakened activities. 

Free entry. Open to the public.

Click here to RSVP for the International Awakened Lunar New Year Festival.



Awakened One Thich Dieu Thien has been awakening countless disciples and students, opening their wisdom mind, cutting through their stuck points, to realize, experience, and merge with Awake Source, and right there, the source of ignorance, delusion, and attachments falls apart. 

Numerous Awake seeds, symbolizing the Awake potential within each sentient being, have been sprouted with the direct guidance from Awakened One Thich Dieu Thien. Through various forms of Wake Up meditation, activities, and projects in daily living such as sitting, walking, eating, interacting, and working, each student nourishes and cultivates the Awake seed within, in every moment. With the purpose to fully Wake Up and liberate original attachment, each student actively stands up, checking-in and asking for guidance. From the Five Natures, Awakened One Thich Dieu Thien thoroughly sees where each student is, purifies and continually upgrades them to the next level, until fully blossomed.

Along the Awake journey, witnessing the realness and transformations from the Wake Up moments, students inspire and support one another, coming together as water droplets, with only one purpose, to fully merge with Awake World, liberating the original attachment.

Wake Up, and Wake Up the whole world!


The Awake Sangha is comprised of nuns, monks, core students, and lay people of different ages, cultures, religions, and backgrounds. Each of us has experienced the Wake Up moment from Awakened Zen Master Thich Dieu Thien when she allowed us to fully merge with Awake World, liberating the original attachment.

Through that experience, three profound truths appeared: that Awake is real, that the Awakened One Thich Dieu Thien is truly Awakened, and that we have the original Awake seed within us and the capacity to Wake Up to liberate the source of suffering in this lifetime.

Each of our Wake Up moment is very unique and special.



Author of international best seller, The Power of Awake, Awakened Zen Master Thich Dieu Thien opens wisdom mind for people to realize who they truly are, Wake Up and liberate the ego system, returning to the Original Awake Source.


Going Beyond Architecture
Design and Development of the International Wake Up Retreat Center

The Awake Great Vow Project, inspired by the unstoppable Great Vow of Awakened Zen Master Thich Dieu Thien, has appeared from the Awake love of monastics and Awake students from all over the world.

After experiencing many Wake Up moments, there is a growing momentum, a determination and a firm decision with the deeper purpose to merge with Awake Source and liberate the cycle of birth and death, in all the monastics and Awake students. With that power, the monastics and students are standing up with the vow that all people in this world should also have the opportunity to come and meet Awakened Zen Master Thich Dieu Thien to experience the Wake Up and liberation moment, just like them. The result is the birth of this magnificent project, a massive effort to begin the design and development of an International Wake Up Retreat Center that would be immensely meaningful, an environment very conducive and supportive for the Wake Up purpose, open for all people around the world and the future generations.


“An Awakened seed sown in the right place, at the right time,
will blossom into a hundred thousand Awakened flowers.”

~ Awakened Zen Master Thich Dieu Thien ~

Thich Dieu Thien Awake Foundation, created by the Awake Sangha, provides an opportunity for all people to connect with Awakened One Thich Dieu Thien in this life, sowing the seeds of Awake in the Awake field to build and accumulate merits, with the goal that one day they will have the chance to walk the Awake path, be awakened by Awakened One Thich Dieu Thien, liberating the suffering of birth and death.