
Awakened Zen Master Thich Dieu Thien.

From the moment she Awakened in 2001, Zen Master Thich Dieu Thien has been constantly helping all people, regardless of religion, gender, race, or background, by Waking them up, for them to realize and experience that they have the capacity to Wake Up and liberate the source of attachments in this lifetime.

Because of the Awakened Zen Master’s relentless Great Vow and her powerful mission to helping people, the number of students was growing rapidly. Outgrowing the space at the original Charles Lane location, students came together, wishing to more deeply develop their own Awake potential and also find another location that would allow more people from all over the world to come, meet the Awakened One, and experience directly by having their Awake potential awakened. Resources were gathered and the new, beautiful, and spacious 9-acre property on Dora Lane opened in October of 2017.


Awaken the Buddha Nature in all sentient beings, leading them to ultimate truth, ultimate peace, and to liberate suffering. 


To awaken sentient beings to break through illusions, realize their true self, and live with wisdom, compassion, and freedom.



Su Co Pho Nguyen

Su Co Pho Tue

Su Co Pho Chon

Su Co Tue Vien

Su Co Tue Dang

Su Co Tue Nha

Su Co Tue Hanh

Su Co Tue Nang

Su Co Tue Quan

Su Co Lieu Hang

TSSChu Hoi Dao

TSSC Lieu Tue

TSSC Lieu Phat


TS Tue Ly

TS Tue Phuong

TS Pho Tue Dinh

TS Tue Hoa

TS Tue Giac


From the time the new property was acquired, Awakened Zen Master Thich Dieu Thien began to guide her students and volunteers to prepare and develop the land. The Awakened Zen Master was always side by side with them, guiding them every step of the way, building their capacity to work as a sangha and to see the bigger picture, in harmony with the inherent natural beauty of the property.  With infinite Wisdom and boundless Compassion, Awakened Zen Master guided everyone to see a new future of Universal Door, the “Wake Up Center”, always encouraging them to develop the goal to Wake Up and liberate the ego system, opening the wisdom mind for them while working in any situation. Many students have shared how working under Awakened One’s guidance allowed them to have clear and powerful Wake Up experiences. This became the foundation of the land, the place where people of all backgrounds come to discover, realize, and experience the Awake Mind within, both now and for many future generations to come.

15202 Dora Lane Sugar Land, Texas 77498
Phone: (281) 565-9718

Universal Door Meditation Center at Dora Lane

 Many students have been ordaining with the vow to Wake Up, and students have been coming from all parts of the world to participate in a wide variety of activities, classes, and retreats. Whether day-long or multi-day residential retreats in English or Vietnamese, the programs address the needs of all groups, from youth & teens to adults, beginners to experienced, all come to meet the Awakened One to have her open their wisdom mind, unlock the stuck points within, and guide them step by step to have the Wake Up experience, realize who they truly are and are not, to liberate the ego system, and live with true love and true compassion for themselves, their families, communities, and beyond.

The Original Universal Door Meditation Center at Charles Lane