Universal Door Meditation Center


In the moment of Awakening in 2001, from the Awake Source, the Five Natures instantly appeared in Awakened Zen Master Thich Dieu Thien. The original Awake Source that the Awakened One lives in 24/7 emanates the pure Awake Essence which embodies infinite Wisdom, boundless Compassion, pure Awake Essence, endless Awake Tools, and the Great Vow to Wake Up all human beings, regardless of who we are, our gender, skin color, age, culture, or religion.

Seeing that everyone has the capacity to Wake Up, but because ignorance, greed, and hatred cover our Awake potential. Awakened One stepped into the world with the Five Natures to wake us up.


In the moment of Awakening in 2001, from the Awake Source, the Five Natures instantly appeared in Awakened Zen Master Thich Dieu Thien. The original Awake Source that the Awakened One lives in 24/7 emanates the pure Awake Essence which embodies infinite Wisdom, boundless Compassion, pure Awake Essence, endless Awake Tools, and the Great Vow to Wake Up all sentient beings, regardless of who we are, our gender, skin color, age, culture, or religion.

Seeing that everyone has the capacity to Wake Up, but because ignorance, greed, and hatred cover our Awake potential, Awakened One stepped into the world with the Five Natures to wake us up.


Awake Essence is the pure, bright, vast, complete, boundless energy source; it is formless, unlimited, light, fresh, and free. It is capable of illuminating and clearly knowing, insightfully seeing people’s minds, and having immeasurable Compassion to help sentient beings. From this Light Source, countless Awake tools appear to awaken the Awake potential, to liberate the source of ignorance, greed and hatred in all sentient beings, to finally become one with Awakened Mind.


The infinite Wisdom of the Awakened One is capable of thoroughly seeing each person for who they are, illuminating and unlocking their human mind to Wake Up and fully liberate the attachment to the human system.  The nature of the Awakened Mind is completely pure, tranquil, immaculate, capable of hearing and seeing everything as is. Standing in front of the Awakened One is like standing in front of the mirror.


The infinite Wisdom of the Awakened One is capable of thoroughly seeing each person for who they are, illuminating and unlocking their human mind to Wake Up and fully liberate the attachment to the human system.  The nature of the Awakened Mind is completely pure, tranquil, immaculate, capable of hearing and seeing everything as is. Standing in front of the Awakened One is like standing in front of the mirror.


Seeing all sentient beings immersed in illusion, drifting in the suffering of birth and death, naturally arises the boundless Compassion in the Awakened One to help all beings. This pure source of Compassion creeps into the deepest pockets and crevices of the human mind, breaks through the illusion and ego inside, awakens and nourishes the Awake potential in each person, stimulates doubts about the suffering of birth and death, and from there, helps all sentient beings develop the goal to Wake Up.


From the Awake Essence, endless Awake Tools appear in the Awakened One to open the mind and guide all sentient beings to become one with Awakened Mind, liberating the source of ego. Any of the words or actions of the Awakened One, the Awake Tools are spontaneous, dynamic, accurate, exact, flexible, fluid, fresh.


From the Awake Essence, endless Awake Tools appear in the Awakened One to open the mind and guide all beings to become one with Awakened Mind, liberating the source of ego. Any of the words or actions of the Awakened One, the Awake Tools are spontaneous, dynamic, accurate, exact, flexible, fluid, fresh.


At the moment of Awakening, Awakened Zen Master Thich Dieu Thien saw that all sentient beings have the capacity to Wake Up, but do not know, and forever and ever, drift in the cycle of birth and death. Right there, the unhindered Great Vow naturally appeared in her, and she stepped into this world to Awaken all people, liberating them from the suffering of birth and death. A vow so pure, it manifests every moment in everything the Awakened Zen Master does

Miraculous Awake Essence Manifesting as a Thousand Eyes, a Thousand Hands, and a Thousand Means

Miraculous Awake Essence Manifesting as a
Thousand Eyes, a Thousand Hands,
and a Thousand Means...