Every ceremony that the Awakened Ones allow the Awake Sangha to organize is born out their Great Vow so all people could come and directly connect to the Awakened Ones, have their Awake potential awakened, experiencing the Awake Mind within and realizing why they need to Wake Up and liberate the cycle of birth and death in this lifetime.
Celebrating the Lunar New Year to welcome the Forever Spring, which is symbolic of the budding Awake potential in each person, with renewed and refreshed Awake purpose to Wake Up and liberate the system of delusion. The event is marked by a festive Lunar New Year market with rows of booths filled with foods, games, and gifts for the new year, as well as a stage with continuous performances of songs, dances, and presentations to lift spirits toward the Awake purpose and Awake destination. There are other very meaningful activities for every member of the family, to prepare for the New Year, inside and out. On days 1, 2, and 3 of New Year, the Awakened Ones open wisdom mind through dharma talks and offer the priceless gift of Awake poems to everyone.
The Buddha birthday ceremony, also symbolizing the Awakening moment of Gautama Buddha, is celebrated in gratitude to the Buddha and the Awakened Ones for coming into this world of conflicts and delusions, to Wake Up all beings and free us from the source of ignorance, greed and hatred. From his own Awakening and liberation, naturally the Five Natures appeared, with capacity to Wake Up all beings and guide them through the same journey from the world of human suffering and attachments to merge with the pure and vast world of the Awakened Ones.
The Buddha birthday ceremony, also symbolizing the Awakening moment of Gautama Buddha, is celebrated in gratitude to the Buddha and the Awakened Ones for coming into this world of conflicts and delusions, to Wake Up all beings and free us from the source of ignorance, greed and hatred. From his own Awakening and liberation, naturally the Five Natures appeared, with capacity to Wake Up all beings and guide them through the same journey from the world of human suffering and attachments to merge with the pure and vast world of the Awakened Ones.
The Pho Mon – Suoi Tu Sangha outreaches to various businesses, from restaurants, offices, nail salons, and more, connecting with people from all backgrounds, and inviting them to come to the Awake Center to directly receive the wisdom mind opening talk from the Awakened Ones. Right there, the guests have the Wake Up moment, realizing and experiencing who they truly are and are not, knowing why they need to liberate the source of attachment. The guests instantly feel light, bright, clear, and happy, with all their suffering falling apart.
The evening includes a light but filling meal, and easy interaction time with the Awake sangha.
The Buddha birthday ceremony, also symbolizing the Awakening moment of Gautama Buddha, is celebrated in gratitude to the Buddha and the Awakened Ones for coming into this world of conflicts and delusions, to Wake Up all beings and free us from the source of ignorance, greed and hatred. From his own Awakening and liberation, naturally the Five Natures appeared, with capacity to Wake Up all beings and guide them through the same journey from the world of human suffering and attachments to merge with the pure and vast world of the Awakened Ones.
The Buddha birthday ceremony, also symbolizing the Awakening moment of Gautama Buddha, is celebrated in gratitude to the Buddha and the Awakened Ones for coming into this world of conflicts and delusions, to Wake Up all beings and free us from the source of ignorance, greed and hatred. From his own Awakening and liberation, naturally the Five Natures appeared, with capacity to Wake Up all beings and guide them through the same journey from the world of human suffering and attachments to merge with the pure and vast world of the Awakened Ones.
Also known as Ullambana festival, Vu Lan is a celebration of filial piety to show our respect and gratitude to the Buddha, Bodhisattvas, and Awakened Ones, with the chance to connect our parents and loved ones, whether living or deceased, to the light of the Awakened Ones. After having our wisdom mind opened by the Awakened Ones, we chant the special Vu Lan sutra to commemorate the great Mahamaudgalyayana, who expressed his deepest gratitude to his mother by waking her up and liberating her karmic debt. All attendees offer dedication candles in the name of their loved ones, and participate in a beautiful, solemn ceremony.
Every year, with deepest gratitude and respect, the Awake sangha celebrates the anniversaries of the Awakened Ones’ Awakening, and for opening the Awake path for all of us, guiding us step-by-step toward the Awake Destination.
Since her Awakening in 2001, AZMTDT’s unstoppable Great Vow manifests every moment in her Awake living, radiating the pure Awake Essence in all directions, Waking Up all beings, near or far, 24/7.
Every year, with deepest gratitude and respect, the Awake sangha celebrates the anniversaries of the Awakened Ones’ Awakening, and for opening the Awake path for all of us, guiding us step-by-step toward the Awake Destination.
Since her Awakening in 2001, AZMTDT’s unstoppable Great Vow manifests every moment in her Awake living, radiating the pure Awake Essence in all directions, Waking Up all beings, near or far, 24/7.
15202 Dora Lane
Sugar Land, Texas 77498
3903 W Pipeline Rd
Euless, Texas 77498
(972) 861-9728
© 2023 Universal Door Meditation Center | All Rights Reserved